52词语>英语词典>council house翻译和用法

council house

英 [ˈkaʊnsl haʊs]

美 [ˈkaʊnsl haʊs]

n.  地方政府出租住房(或公寓)



    • 地方政府出租住房(或公寓)
      a house or flat rented from the local council


      • (英国的)地方政府出租住房,地方政府廉租房
        In Britain, acouncil houseis a house that is owned by a local council and that people can rent at a low cost.


        • Abandoned by his previous owner and rescued from a boarded-up council house by a charity, he had not had the easiest start to life.
        • They were joined in the Oval Office by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley.
        • Just look at his most prominent jobs initiative, his jobs and Competitiveness Council, which will meet with him at the White House this month.
        • For three years, there's been a running fight between the Tory and Labour members of the Housing Committee about raising council house rents.
        • In the same year in December the State Council issued a circular prohibiting urban residents to rural areas buy a house. Nevertheless, the development of informal property rights is still in full swing.
        • We bought a three-bed ex council house in anice street, but I couldn't help comparing it with friends'houses.
        • It will take ages for the council to grant planning permission for our house extension so I'd better set the wheels in motion now.
        • "At the Council board he was taciturn; and in the House of Lords he never opened his lips"( Macaulay).
        • The Council condemned the old house.
        • She and her children, now aged nine and seven, are living in a three bedroom council house and she is returning to college to get her GCSEs with ambitions of becoming a healthcare worker.